Thursday, 14 April 2011

Ryan Flanagan.

1 Wheres your mamma from?

She is originally from England, and came over on a boat when she was a little girl, she now dislikes boats, because the ocean is sometimes flat but can become mountains.

2 What is your favorite smell?

I am not sure, but it seems that the most obnoxious smells are the most interesting, maybe not my favourite smells, but the ones you scrunch your nose at and turn away from, but then like the car crash your not meant to look at smell again.

3 A place you would like to revisit?

I would like to revisit certain reoccurring dreams, become lucid and explore them, in a timeless boundless unending imaginary (possibly real) creation.

4 Lips you would like to kiss?

Well other than the obvious... I think it would be interesting to kiss myself and also my mirror gender equivalent ( so a female version of myself ). I could then ascertain whether the things I dislike about kissing are actually my own kissing flaws and not past experiences.

5 What were you last dancing to?

Its been a long time... :( I really do not know, I mainly sit and work and sing a long these days.

6 Can you crib walk?

^I am very white, but I dabble.

7 What makes you angry?

Inefficiency, frustration, fear, ignorance and stupidity. Also dogmatic habitual societal control structures and unquestioning trusting law-abiding for laws sake citizens drowning in bliss.

8 Any imaginary friends?

I am currently attempting to make contact with my spirit guides, my power animal and my higher self. I sadly can not remember having any imaginary friends from my childhood, but my childhood is fairly hazy, my son though has I think one or maybe two but they have many names and it is hard to keep track!

9 Have you a favorite doll or blanky or childhood keep sake?

Not really... I had a teddy called tiny teddy I think, again rather hazy. But I only know this because my mum has put him behind glass in a frame with some other baby things... Its weird. All my teddy bears and soft toys are currently in a safe box in the roof.. I feel bad for hoarding but they are mine and no one is having them!!!!

10 Where you named after anybody?

Apparently I was not named after anybody... But. My dad swears he read somewhere that his name means the dark one and my name means the son of the dark one. It also means little king.

11 Where you born ass or face first?

? what! I don't know...

12 What would you change your name to if you could?

I can change it, everyone can change their name.. But it seems like a big decision, and I couldn't really be fucked.

11 Favorite colour?

White light directed through a prism and splattered across the universe...

13 Favorite food?

Anything that doesn't involve dead animal flesh, or animal bits and pieces, blood, bone, tendons, ligaments, skin, hair, sexual organs or excretions, vomit, oil, bile, wax etc
Anything that isn't full of fear or hate. Anything that isn't full of chemicals, herbicides, pesticides, fungicides, additives, colourings etc. Anything that hasn't been irradiated or nuked. Anything that hasn't been processed and packed full of sugar, caffeine, fat, gluten, salt, etc. Anything that isn't brutally un-environmental, un-sustainable and damaging to the Earth. Anything that wasn't created purely for profit. Anything that hasn't been spliced with another thing in some lab by white coats trying to sell fertilizer to increase the profits for blind and heartless shareholders eg GMOs. Anything that wasn't enslaved, raped, tortured or murdered.

Anything that is alive.
Not sentient and is sustainable.

14 Favorite quote?

there are too many...

"glass may be the physical metaphor of happiness"

i do like Carl Sagan...

"A new consciousness is developing which sees the earth as a single organism and recognizes that an organism at war with itself is doomed. We are one planet. One of the great revelations of the age of space exploration is the image of the earth finite and lonely, somehow vulnerable, bearing the entire human species through the oceans of space and time." - PALE BLUE DOT IN THE PICTURE IS EARTH.

"As the ancient myth makers knew we're children equally of the earth and the sky."

and never forget this one...

"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society" Jiddu Krishnamurti

15 Hero?

I don't like heros all that much, they seem to be football players and celebrities these days...
I do enjoy individuals who think for themselves and question authority, pacifist grass roots revolution of information, truth and self enlightenment.

16 Describe yourself in 3 words?

Complex, Paradoxical, Universe

17 Straight or Afro?

I find these choices racist. I choose wavy.

18 Highlands or Islands?

both have their place, floating in space.

19 Would you put BBQ sauce on your cereal?

If the BBQ sauce didn't contain the waste products of the animals death industry, and the cereal wasn't genetically modified then sure why not! But then again it would depend on how long I had been hanging out with Ella and Sofie!!!

20 Why did you agree to answer these questions on my blog?

Because my computer was sketching out and this is the only page that was loaded, all the other pages were freaking out, I was bored, I enjoy your blog so far and I wanted to help you out in anyway I could, and because you asked me to and it would be rude to not reply. Also because now if I ever want to make you fill out some time wasting set of questions you will be bound by socially polite requirements, and I shall have you right where I want you.... ;)

peace & bones ox

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